Save the executable and add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:
alias vizir='/path/to/vizir.appImage'
Make sure that the appImage is in executable mode by entering the following command:
$ chmod +x /path/to/vizir.appImage
Open a new terminal window, ViZiR can now be launched by entering the command below:
$ vizir
On Mac
Mount the .dmg and copy the application (e.g. the file generated) in your Applications
Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile file:
alias vizir='/Applications/'
Open a new terminal window, ViZiR can now be launched by entering the command below:
$ vizir
On Windows
Extract the archive, double-click on vizir.exe to launch ViZiR.
A mesh can be loaded by doing:
ViZiR imports meshes stored in .mesh or .meshb files. Files ending by .mesh are ASCII files, and
thus need more time to
load than .meshb binary files. More information about this format can be found at:
To import a mesh from the command line:
$ vizir -in FILENAME.mesh(b)
Element and mesh types
ViZiR handles several mesh types that are categorized and described in the next lines. Surface
geometries can be meshed
using either triangles or quadrilaterals, whereas volume geometries can be meshed using hexahedron,
tetrahedron, prisms
or pyramids. Each mesh element can be implemented using P1 interpolation or
order. Each surface and volume element is defined by a set of points and edges:
straight edges if P1
curved edges if P2 or higher order
ViZiR handles three types of meshes: adapted, hybrid and curved. Hybrid meshes are made of several
of elements, as
illustrated in the figure below:
Hiding/displaying elements and surfaces
In order to hide an element, select it with Shift + left mouse and press x. To display hidden
just press X. A
similar thing can be done with whole surfaces: first select an element of the surface you want to
with Shift + left
mouse and then hit s. To show the last surface that has been hidden hit S.
Clip planes
Setting a clip plane through a volume can be achieved via the F1 and F2 meta keys. To enable/disable
a cut view press F1. To enter/quit the clip plane editor press F2. When this editor is enabled you
can see a frame
showing up around the
geometry. The following commands are available from this editor:
Translate the plane in the direction of its normal by pressing the middle button of the mouse
and by
displacing it
Orientate the plane by pressing the left button of the mouse and by displacing it
An other option to set a clip plane is to use the dedicated widget:
Initial mesh / Translating the clip plane / Rotating the clip plane
Once a satisfying view has been obtained, the clipped volume elements can be shown by pressing v. In
order to get a flat
surface, these elements can be projected on the clip plane by pressing C.
Initial view of the clip plane / Displaying clipped volume elements / Clipped volume elements
projected on the plane
A mini-mesh can be described as a subset of the global mesh. It is a convenient way to focus on a
small region of the
whole geometry, especially if many mesh elements are used to discretize it. To create a mini-mesh,
select an element
with Shift + left mouse , and then click on the right button of your mouse and select Mini mesh.
Initially, the mini-mesh is made of one element — the one you selected. To extend the mini-mesh to
its direct neighbors
press +. To shrink the mini-mesh by removing the most exterior elements, press -.
Global mesh / Mini-mesh
Searching entities
Click on P to see all the nodes with their references. If there are too many nodes you may want to
focus on an area by
creating a mini-mesh, or you can create a clip plane and display the volume entities clipped by the
To search a specific entity by its reference, first select the wanted type in the below toolbox
(fourth field from left
to right), type the reference number in the search bar just on the right and hit Enter.
Similarly to meshes, solutions can be loaded from .sol or .solb files. To apply a solution to the
current mesh, click on
the right button of your mouse and select Select solution . Click on m to show/hide the solution and
the associated
colormap. More options such as isolines or isosurfaces are available under:
In ViZiR a state designates the following set of attributes:
viewing position and angle
hidden surfaces
solution over each item
colormap status (on/off), color of the edges and surfaces
Vertex/reference status (hidden/displayed)
clip planes, status of the clipped elements (hidden/displayed/projected on the plane)
Once a good image has been obtained, the corresponding state can be saved. Then the same
configuration can be achieved
quickly on other meshes by loading the aforesaid state. This can be useful to create a movie, since
it would require to
capture images from the same viewpoint at each iteration.
Saving states
To save the states in a .state file there are two steps to follow:
Step 1: First save the current state as you manipulate the mesh with:
Save/Load > State > Save Current State
You can save several “current states” in a row.
Step 2: When you have finished you can save your current states all at once in a file by
Save/Load > State > Save States in File > FILENAME.state
Loading states from file
To load a state from a .state file do:
Save/Load > State > Load States in File
Then you can chose which state to activate by selecting one in the below toolbox (first field from left
to right).
ViZiR also implements the concept of views. A view is similar to a state, however it holds
information only regarding the viewing position and angle. Thus loading a view will only change the
To save/load views the process is the same as for states, the only difference being the .view
extension that is used by default.