pyAMG Examples

This page presents some examples of mesh adaptation using pyAMG.

Stand-alone examples

Examples using SU2

These examples require to have the pyAMG/SU2 interface installed.

A simple 3D uniform refinement

This simple 3D example consists in reading an initial mesh of a cube, adapting it using a smaller specified edge size, and writing the final adapted mesh.

Download: cube.meshb (the initial mesh)

import pyamg, math, numpy as np
# Define maximal edge size
remesh_options = {}
remesh_options['hmax'] = 0.1

# Read initial mesh
msh3d = pyamg.read_mesh("cube.meshb")
msh3d_unif = pyamg.adapt_mesh(msh3d, remesh_options)

# Output refined mesh

Initial mesh of a cube Refined cube

Initial mesh and uniformely refined mesh.

Control of the interpolation error of an analytical function

In this example, an initial mesh of a cube is loaded and an anisotropic analytical function is computed at each of its nodes.

Download: cube.meshb (the initial mesh)

import pyamg, math, numpy as np

def analytical_fun(x,y,z=1):
    xyz = (x-0.4)*(y-0.4)*(z-0.4)
    if( xyz  <= (-1.*math.pi/50.)): return 0.1*math.sin(50.*xyz)
    elif(xyz <= 2.*math.pi/50.):    return     math.sin(50.*xyz)
    else:                           return 0.1*math.sin(50.*xyz)
def create_sensor(mesh):
    sensor = []
    crd    = []
    if   ( 'xyz' in mesh ): 
        crd = mesh['xyz']
        for x in crd:
    elif ( 'xy' in mesh ):
        crd = mesh['xy']  
        for x in crd:
    return sensor

# Load mesh
msh3d = pyamg.read_mesh("cube.meshb")

# Create the sensor for adaptation
msh3d['sensor'] = create_sensor(msh3d)

Then, the 'Lp' remeshing option is set such that the interpolation error of the sensor will be controled in L^2 norm. Five adaptive iterations are performed to capture the anisotropy, and the final mesh is outputted.

# Define remeshing options
remesh_options              = {}
remesh_options['Lp']        = 2
remesh_options['gradation'] = 1.5
remesh_options['target']    = 20000

# Adapt the mesh, perform 5 iterations
print  "   Anisotropic adaptation : iteration 1"
msh3d_aniso = pyamg.adapt_mesh(msh3d, remesh_options)

for ite in range(2,5):    
  print  "   Anisotropic adaptation : iteration %d " %(ite)    
  msh3d_aniso['sensor'] = create_sensor(msh3d_aniso)
  msh3d_aniso           = pyamg.adapt_mesh(msh3d_aniso, remesh_options)

# Output final mesh   

Initial mesh of a cube Adapted mesh

Initial mesh and adapted mesh using a control of the interpolation error.

Mesh adaptation according to an isotropic sizing field

Here, an isotropic refinement using a sizing field is shown. This is done using the key "Metric" in the mesh data structure. We illustrate this through the refinement around the corner (0,0,0) of the unit cube.

Download: cube.meshb (the initial mesh)

We start by defining the sizing function.

import pyamg, math, numpy as np

def analytical_sizing(x,y,z=1):
    d    = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
    hmin = 0.01
    hmed = 0.1
    hmax = 0.5
    if  ( d <= 10*hmin         ): return hmin
    elif( d <= 10*hmin+ 5*hmed ): return hmed
    else:                         return hmax 

def create_sizing(mesh):
    size = []
    crd    = []
    if   ( 'xyz' in mesh ): 
        crd = mesh['xyz']
        for x in crd:
    elif ( 'xy' in mesh ):
    return size
# Load mesh
msh3d = pyamg.read_mesh("cube.meshb")

Five adaptive steps are then performed to generate the final mesh. The error is controlled in L2 norm.

# Define remeshing options
remesh_options              = {}
remesh_options['gradation'] = 1.5
remesh_options['logfile'] = "remesh-adap-metric.log"

msh3d['metric']  = create_sizing(msh3d)
print  "   Adaptation : iteration 1"
msh3d_iso        = pyamg.adapt_mesh(msh3d, remesh_options)

for ite in range(2,5):
  print  "   Adaptation : iteration %d " %(ite)    
  msh3d_iso['metric'] = create_sizing(msh3d_iso)
  msh3d_iso           = pyamg.adapt_mesh(msh3d_iso, remesh_options)

print "\n output : cube_iso.meshb \n"  

Initial mesh of a cube Refined cube using a sizing function

Initial mesh and refined mesh using an isotropic sizing function.

Adaptive 2D NACA 0012

Note: This example requires to have the pyAMG/SU2 interface installed.


The following files are required:

Problem setup

This example uses the geometry and the flow conditions of the Inviscid ONERA M6 SU2 test case.

  • Freestream Pressure = 101325.0 N/m2
  • Freestream Temperature = 273.15 K
  • Freestream Mach number = 0.8
  • Angle of attack (AoA) = 1.25 deg

The goal of this mesh adaptation is to accurately capture the shocks around the airfoil, by creating anisotropic mesh elements along the shocks' directions of anisotropy. The Mach number is used as the sensor for mesh adaptation.

SU2 configuration file options

% ------------- MESH ADAPTATION PARAMETER ------------%

% Mesh size parameters
ADAP_SIZES= (100, 200, 300)

% Number of iterative loops performed for each mesh size
ADAP_SUBITE= (2, 2, 2)

% Number of CFD iterations for each mesh size
ADAP_EXT_ITER= (500, 500, 500)

% Prescribed residual reduction for each mesh size

% Sensor used for mesh adaptation

% Max and min edge sizes
ADAP_HMIN=  1e-8

% Prescribed mesh gradation

% Output adapted mesh
MESH_OUT_FILENAME= mesh_NACA0012_adap.su2

% Final adapted restart solution

% Initial restart solution

Running the case

The mesh adaptation process is started by running the following command line in a terminal:

$ -f adap_NACA0012.cfg -n 4
where the -n option corresponds to the desired number of processing cores.

A ./ADAP folder is created, in which the successive calls to SU2_CFD and pyAMG are performed. Once all the adaptive iterations are done, the final adapted mesh and restart solution are outputted in the current directory.


A comparison of the initial and final meshes/solutions is shown in the figures below.

NACA0012, initial mesh NACA0012, initial solution
NACA0012: initial surface mesh and solution (5233 vertices).
NACA0012, adapted mesh NACA0012, adapted solution
NACA0012: adapted surface mesh and solution (21100 vertices).

Adaptive 3D ONERA M6 wing

Note: This example requires to have the pyAMG/SU2 interface installed.


The following files are required:

Problem setup

This example uses the geometry and the flow conditions of the Inviscid ONERA M6 SU2 test case.

  • Freestream Pressure = 101325.0 N/m2
  • Freestream Temperature = 288.15 K
  • Freestream Mach number = 0.8395
  • Angle of attack (AoA) = 3.06 deg

The goal of this mesh adaptation is to accurately capture the typical "lambda" shock along the upper surface of the lifting wing, by creating anisotropic mesh elements along the shock's directions of anisotropy. The Mach number is used as the sensor for mesh adaptation.

SU2 configuration file options


% Mesh size parameters
ADAP_SIZES= (2000, 4000, 8000)

% Number of iterative loops performed for each mesh size
ADAP_SUBITE= (2, 2, 2)

% Number of CFD iterations for each mesh size
ADAP_EXT_ITER= (1000, 1000, 1000)

% Prescribed residual reduction for each mesh size

% Sensor used for mesh adaptation

% Max and min edge sizes
ADAP_HMIN=  1e-8

% Prescribed mesh gradation

% Output adapted mesh

% Final adapted restart solution

Running the case

The mesh adaptation process is started by running the following command line in a terminal:

$ -f adap_ONERAM6.cfg -n 4
where the -n option corresponds to the desired number of processing cores.

A ./ADAP folder is created, in which the successive calls to SU2_CFD and pyAMG are performed. Once all the adaptive iterations are done, the final adapted mesh and restart solution are outputted in the current directory.


A comparison of the initial and final meshes/solutions is shown in the figure below. The lambda shock resolution is improved, while reducing the number of mesh vertices.

M6 wing, initial mesh M6 wing, initial solution
ONERA M6 wing: initial surface mesh and solution (141537 vertices).
M6 wing, adapted mesh M6 wing, adapted solution
ONERA M6 wing: adapted surface mesh and solution (48299 vertices).